The Burns brawl the big boys on the beach
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Fishing for King fish between John's Pass and St.Pete Beach was hot again this past Thursday. Kings in the high 30# range were getting a good part of us while chewing through our steel leaders, and tail-whipping our light mono line...but we kicked their ass right back! Check out Phil Burns with a hefty example of a true Tampa Bay 'smoker' King fish...if the Burns' were in a contest, they won...huh Phil?..
Phil Burns, along with his son, Darryl, and Grandson, Dakota came all the way from Tulsa, Oklahoma, and were treated to some real hard-core Kingfishing action along the bay area beaches, and I am sure they are hooked. An arsenal of Blue runners, Sardines and Threadfin put us on the big ones, and had the Kings literally swimming out of the water-putting on a aerial show like no other. These guys could not believe their eyes, and Phil was grinning from ear to ear like a kid in a candy store.
Beach fishing baby!!! Come get yours on the Jawbreaker-catch the trophy fish of a lifetime! Until next year Phil, Happy fishing ! Capt.Dan
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