King me
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Gag Grouper fishing is on again, and the Jawbreaker's clients have been catching more than their share of this 'protected' species. As long as I have been fishing the offshore waters of Tampa Bay, I can't remember ever being so happy to be putting chunky Gags into the ice box. You just don't know what you've got until it's gone.
Rick Yankey and crew came from North Florida to get in on the Gag Grouper that became available on July 1st...(yes, this report is a bit late) and the bite was everything we expected. The Dads were catching Gags, the Wife was catching Gags and most important...the kids were catching Gags-and of course the usual assortment of bottom dwellers that make up a well rounded meal. But besides the Grouper and Snappers that found our chum line, several Summertime Kingfish were fooled by the flat line and ended up on the menu as well. Check out Mark with a serious trophy King(and Rick in the background with another King on)....this one easily bumped the Gag Grouper shots out of the headline photo...just because I am a big fan of big Kings!
So there you have it folks, Grouper, Snapper, Kingfish, Sharks...and the list goes on. Call the Jawbreaker for your next family outing, or whenever you are in the mood for the freshest fish in town. Happy fishing to Ya, Capt.Dan
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