Happy fishing to you
Monday, August 06, 2012
Monday, August 06, 2012
Fishing this past week around the full moon and the ripping tides that accompany it was not for the light-hearted. It took real patience and determination to pull it off, but we managed to do it with style...and success! Oh, it does help to have the right attitudes on board, and Robert Goldstein, Tracey, Jake, Heather and Jen know the secret.
We actually fished 2 days with these fine folks, and after putting a serious hurt on the Red Groupers in the 70ft range on day one, my instincts brought us to the 35-50ft range for a Gag Grouper hunt on day two. After hitting a couple of spots with very few Gags making a show, we finally found them. Fishing a small roll-off in 34 feet of water was the ticket, and we must have come across a herd of big Gags. Even after losing 8 big fish, and tying leaders like there was no tomorrow, this crew managed some nice Gags to go along with the crawfish boil planned for later on...yum yum!!.One last big fish 'break off' and the bite shut down, just like that! But, everyone caught fish and everyone went home happy, safe to say that Heather(wearing the Jeff Gordon hat)was the official MVP for both days, that girl can catch em, huh Jake? Check out another happy crew on the Jawbreaker.
Great times strike again on the Jawbreaker. Even when conditions are a bit adverse, we don't quit. Put your crew together, give us a call, book a trip and find out why Jawbreaker fishing charters is one of the best in the business. Happy fishing folks,Capt.Dan
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