Grouper for Sal
Sunday, July 01, 2012
Sunday, July 01, 2012
After tropical storm Debby made her way through the Tampa Bay area, and made a mess of the Gulf of Mexico, we were able to make our way out there to assess the damage...and maybe even do some! After rounding the Pass-a-grille jeddy we were met by smooth seas and powder-green water...and very few options to fish a 4-hour fishing charter. Bottom fishing was in order, and even that was a bit slow with dirty water and no tide....blah!!!...Well, we made the best of it.
Repeat client, and friend, Mike Puseteri brought his wife, Leanne and young son, Sal out for a quick little trip to get the boy interested...and boy was he interested. Putting in some hard time on these spots when the water is this dirty is key, and allot of patience...even from a well behaved 7-year old, will pay off. Check out young Sal surveying his big fish of the day...Red Grouper,way to go kid!!..Along with some very large grey snapper, dinner plans were made!
Gag Grouper season opens today and Jawbreaker fishing charters looks forward to reporting good things in the near future. See Ya Thursday Mike! Happy fishing folks,Capt.Dan
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