Double duty King fishing from St.Pete Beach
Monday, March 26, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Friday's first fishing trip of the day gave us a chance to 'tune-in' to where the fish were going to be hanging on that particular day. We started out on the beach, for a half-day split trip, with Jim Janssen, his son Aaron, and new fishing buddy, Don. As soon as we started our troll, in the same place we left them biting the day before, it was fish on!...and then fish off, damn! We lose as many Kings as we catch, and with that being said, we put a 17-pounder in the fish box, only minutes later.
After 30 minutes of slow trolling our live baits, covering what should be productive ground, and very little significant action-we moved out to 30 feet, and found the fish again. Amen, we still had enough time to pull it off, and show our crew some good times worth coming back for....Kings, Spanish mackerel and Bonitos ruled the picture frame.
Our second half day charter consisted of John, Dianne, Scott and young Callie. This crew was ready to drink, uh, I mean fish...yeah, this crew was ready to fish(and drink)....and we knew right where to take them! On our way out, a quick stop topped off the livewells with fresh 'threadies', and we were on our way. 5 miles later and we, again, had a Kingfish on as soon as the first bait hit the drink! Young Callie was on point and fought our first King of the afternoon to the gaff. You go girl!!.. Check her out with her first fish ever..nice King! Dianne chimed in as well and caught her share of Kings and big Bonitos before heading in for the Dolphin show. Check it all out soon in our photo gallery.
Jawbreaker fishing charters strikes again...with Big Fish!!...This kind of action will continue for months, call now and get in on it. Happy fishing, Capt.Dan
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