Daddy's little Shark slayer
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Just like the weather here in Tampa Bay, the fishing is hot and getting hotter by the day. One recent fishing charter, out of Pass-a-grille on St.Pete Beach, gave us the chance to impress Brian Blackbourn, his dad, Ken and his young daughter, Maddie with some good old fashioned sport fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. Let me just say...the day left everyone impressed, even the Jawbreaker crew.
Yeah, Brian “rolled the dice” on taking his first offshore fishing charter and really just wanted to see his daughter catch a big fish...preferably a shark. Well...drum roll please, check out Brian's lucky lady with the first fish of the day....magic? I kind of wish that Brian had requested a 1,000 pound Blue Marlin, oh well. Anyway, this Father, Son, Grand-daughter fishing team went on to catch at least 6 more Lemon Sharks and spinners, along with endless action on the Bonitos and Spanish mackerel. I could tell that our new friends were very happy, but little did I know that the trip was about to get even happier with our last stop-on the way in.
Yep, a quick stop at the SPR to troll some large baits for a shot at the Barracuda produced something even bigger and better...drum roll again please.....Tarpon!!!...An offshore spawn must have put these fish right in our path, and our offering was to good to pass by, obviously. Ken grabbed the rod and started fighting a 100 pound Tarpon that was doing it's best at an attempt to fly...4, 5, 6 times the Silver King flew from the water and gave everyone on the reef a show to remember. After 40 minutes we had the fish boat side and one last burst of strength parted the 15 pound test line and our bonus fish of the day swam away with much vigor...it doesn't get any better that that!
I know I say this often, but,....Good times, folks! Call Jawbreaker fishing charters today and roll the dice on your own chance at fighting the sea monsters that dwell in the bountiful Gulf of Mexico. Happy fishing to ya, Capt.Dan
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