Big Kings near St Pete Beach
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
A recent 4-hour fishing charter in the Tampa Bay area put Dave Moore and his crew, Jack, Paul and Nick on some serious sea monsters! Starting with Jack's giant Barracuda, then on to Dave, Paul and the Captain-each putting a curious Cobia onto the deck of the Jawbreaker...and if that wasn't enough action for the first-hour-frenzy, check out young Nick(and the Capt.) with a beast of a Kingfish....way to go guys!
The action continued with more Kings, big Bonitos, Flounders and an unlimited number of Spanish mackerel making their way in to our light tackle scenario. The boys from upstate New York had their fill in just 4 short hours, but the memories will stay with all of them forever...that I guarantee! Jawbreaker fishing charters strikes again...happy fishing! Capt.Dan
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