Another fantastic Tampa King fishing charter
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Allan and Tracey Beebe were not singing the blues on Monday morning when they and their 4 teens Matt, Bryan, Byron and Evan went to work on a fantastic Kingfish bite in the Gulf of Mexico. No, instead they stayed pretty busy just having the times of their lives! Monday's trip was a classic example of a half day sport fishing charter in the Gulf of Mexico. The action was so intense, it actually felt more like a day and a half fishing charter-and the fish box had to agree!
We started out at the Pass-a-grille channel marker where Jon opened up a perfect net to about 250 pounds of live Sardines and Thread fin, and that's always a good way to open up the show. We then headed Southwest to the shipping channel that has been very good to us, and our clients, lately. Let the show begin...instant gratification was all I could think of. Again, we had Kings skyrocketing the free chummers, and our top water baits, putting on a real show for some folks that had “no idea” of what they where getting in to. This action continued and we managed to put another 6 person limit of King fish in the coffin. Check out the boys above with a few new friends that will be making their way to Ted Peter's Smokehouse...yum!
12 Kings, 2 very large Bonito, a couple of shots at some unwilling(believe it or not) Cobia and a memory bank full of new material, with new friends. All in a few short hours...Jawbreaker style! Thanks again to the Beebes and Happy fishing! Capt.Dan
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